Aku jarang bikin bropang, namun ini dipilih krn pertimbangan keawetan cake tanpa bahan pengawet.
Aku kutip dari wikipedia :
A chocolate brownie is a flat, baked square or bar introduced in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century and popularized in both the U.S. and Canada during the first half of the twentieth century. The brownie is sliced from a type of dense, rich chocolate cake, which is, in texture, like a cross between a cake and a cookie.[1] Brownies come in a variety of forms. They are either fudgy or cakey, depending on their density, and they may include nuts, frosting, cream cheese, chocolate chips, or other ingredients. A variation that is made with brown sugar and no chocolate is called a blondie.
Brownies are common lunchbox fare, typically eaten by hand, and often accompanied by milk or coffee. They are sometimes served warm with ice cream (à la mode) or topped with whipped cream, especially in restaurants.
Emang bener !! Tekstur bropang ini mirip silangan cake dan kukis. Tidak seempuk kukis namun juga tidak serenyah kukis. Enyakkkk !!
Oh ya, aku bikin pennylabe brownie... resep aseli brownie amrik. Ntar dulu ya tulis resepnya...hehe..malas.com.
Satu lagi. Semula pernah baca bhw si pennylane ini makin enak di hari kedua dst.. dan emang bener looo. makin moist setelah nginap !!
And this is it !! Pennylane brownie ala Kreasi NaViLa !!!

Oh ya, fotonya hasil experimen dengan setting manual fokus. Ternyata bisa bikin background blurr.. nice picture... isn't it ??
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