Wiken kemarin nyobain bikin devil's food cake. Trus di rumah lagi gak ada cemilan apa2, padahal pangeranku gak tahan kalau gak nyemil apa2...hehe..
Sempat ngintip di wikipedia, perihal kue setan ini... ternyata begini ceritanya :
Devil's food cake is a moist, airy, rich chocolate layer cake. Devil's food cake is considered a counterpart to the white or yellow angel food cake. Due to differing recipes and changing ingredient availability over the course of the twentieth century, it is difficult to precisely quantify what distinguishes devil's food from the more standard chocolate cake. The cake is usually paired with a rich chocolate frosting.
Devil's food cake is generally more moist and airy than other chocolate cakes, and often uses cocoa as opposed to chocolate for the flavor.The lack of melted chocolate is typically what distinguishes a 'devil's food cake' from a chocolate cake, though some recipes call for both, resulting in an even richer chocolate flavor. The use of hot, or boiling water as the cake's main liquid, rather than milk, is also a common difference.
Devil's food cake is sometimes distinguished from other chocolate cakes by the use of additional baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) which raises the pH level and makes the cake a deeper and darker mahogany color. Devil's food cake incorporates butter (or a substitute), egg whites, flour (while some chocolate cakes are flourless) and less egg than other chocolate cakes.Devil's food cake was introduced in the United States in the early 20th century with the recipe in print as early as 1905.
A similar cake, the red velvet cake, is closely linked to a devil's food cake, and in some turn of the century cookbooks the two names may have been interchangeable. When used in cakes, baking soda causes reddening of cocoa powder when baked, and before more alkaline "Dutch Processed" cocoa was widely available, the red color would have been more pronounced. This natural tinting may have been the source for the name "Red Velvet" as well as "Devil's Food" and a long list of similar names for chocolate cakes.
Oh ya, resep lengkap yang aku pakai sbb :
Devil's Food Cake
Buku Cake Klasik dari Primarasa edisi Istimewa
brown sugar 200 gr (kemarin sebagian campur gula pasir, krn habis)
coklat bubuk 50 gr
Buttermilk 250 ml (aku bikin sendiri dr susu plus air jeruk nipis)
vanili bubuk 1 sdt
Tepung terigu 240 gr
Baking Powder 1 sdt
Garam 1/2 sdt
Mentega 100 gr
Gula pasir 100 gr
Telur 2 butir
Cara :
1. Campur brown sugar, coklat bubuk, dan 1/2 bagian buttermilk, aduk hingga gula dan coklat larut, sisihkan. Campur sisa buttermilk dengan vanili, sisihkan. Ayak tepung terigu, BP dan garam, sisihkan. Panaskan oven 180 derajat.
2. Kocok mentega dengan mixer kecepatan sedang hingga lembut, masukkan gula bertahap, kocok hingga putih dan mengembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu. Tambahkan adonan butermilk, kocok hingga rata, angkat mixer.
3. Masukkan campuran terigu bergantian dengan sisa buttermilk dalam 2 tahap, aduk dg spatula.
4. Bagi 2 adonan, tuang ke dalam cetakan 20 cm 2 buah. Oven hingga matang.
Waktu bikin ini, aku pakai loyang 7 cm, jadi aku tuang jadi 1 lalu belah.
Ternyata dia ini bersaudara akrab dengan Red Velvet cake (kapan2 musti coba nih). Telurnya sedikit (cocok dg resep yg aku pilih), pake BP agar warna lebih gelap (sama), pake coklat bubuk dan bukan DCC (betul!!!).
Yang agak beda dengan resep yang aku pake adalah aku pake buttermilk. Di Oom wiki, aslinya si kue setan ini pake air panas dan hanya pake putih telur.
Tapi gpp... lanjut.. wong bukunya enak...hehe... gambarnya apik2..hehe..
Filling pakai ganache, aku pakai resep ganache 1:1, type ganache dadak, spt yang dulu pernah dishare mb Widya.
Jadi, ganache aku pakai 50 gr whipped cream bubuk, 100 ml air dingin, 150 gr DCC.
Aku bikinnya kemarin whipped cream bubuk dikocok ama air hingga kaku, lalu masukkan coklat leleh sambil terus dimixer. Setelah tercampur, lgs aku gunakan.
Ternyata, saat aku tanya ke milist kenapa warna ganache tidak sehitam warna cakenya.. sarannya adalah ganache musti masuk kulkas dulu. Itu baru bisa jadi gelap warnanya. Ntar kapan2 deh dicoba.
Kemudian, cover cake dengan menggunakan coklat siram dari collata.. hehe.. males bikin adonannya.. Dengan collata coating tinggal panasin dan siram...hehe.. pemalas.
Ini pertama kali aku bikin cake dengan hiasan coklat siram. Menyenangkan, hanya saja kemarin aku kurang banyak ngelelhin coklat siramnya.. jadi yg bagian tepi gak bisa tertutup semuanya.

Soal rasa,.. rasanya ...heemm... nyummmyyyy... Sepotong tak akan pernah cukup.. apalagi cuma secuil..hehe....
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